Do. More. Good.

Hello, I’m Amy Taylor North. I'm a small business owner, the mother of two amazing boys who went to West Forsyth High School, and have lived in NC House District 74/Forsyth County for over 23 years.

Anyone who knows me will say I'm dedicated to my community, and will probably call me an energetic spitfire. With the help of hundreds of neighbors, we broke records winning 80% of the March 2024 primary vote.

Now, the most important thing I can do for my community is to unseat the divisive extremist who is currently in office. My opponent has voted to defund public schools, wants to strip women of their fundamental, reproductive freedom, and has taken $2M of our tax dollars (from Lewisville) to line his own pockets and that of his luxury developer pals.

I will stand up for teachers, public schools, local small businesses, personal FREEDOM, including women's healthcare rights, access to affordable housing and safer communities.

Join our team, and let's DO. MORE. GOOD. together!

NORTH for NC House

If you’re like me and think our hard-working families and small business owners deserve better than we’ve been getting from Raleigh, I hope you’ll take a closer look at our campaign and join our positive movement to make our corner of North Carolina the best possible place to raise families and do business.

Breaking the Raleigh Supermajority

When elected to the NC House, I will represent everyone in my district. That's why neighbors from both parties and unaffiliated voters are part of my campaign to DO. MORE. GOOD. for our community.

Winning House seat 74 in November will level the playing field and break the Raleigh supermajority. When there are 60 representatives on both sides of the aisle, the work of helping all North Carolinians can truly begin. I hope you'll choose to be involved.

“…If you want to put your money where your mouth is, Amy would be a great person to vote for.”

Don Smith, Danbury voter
Letter to the editor, Winston-Salem Journal
February 9, 2024

Join Us!

We’d like to hear from you. Let us know if you’re interested in hosting a fundraising event or volunteering to support our campaign.
